10 ways to stay entertained and motivated while paying off your debt

10 ways to stay entertained and motivated while paying off your debt

Paying off debt can be a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are many people in the same situation, and there are plenty of resources available to help you on your journey. Do not get discouraged, but instead find ways to pay off your debt quicker, and find ways to stay motivated and entertained while paying off your debt.

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You might have to watch your spending for a few months or even a few years, and the thought of that might overwhelm you, or it might even get very dull. I completely get it, because I have been there. Sometimes, you just want to say ”screw it” and spend all your money at your favorite restaurant. To overcome the urge to spend that extra money, I have come up with a few ideas on how to stay entertained AND motivated, while you get to keep your money in your pocket!

Recreate your favorite recipes

If you’re anything like me, and you love making quick Starbuck trips, or exploring new restaurants, every time a new restaurant opens up near me, this tip is for you. I collect menus from places I like to go to, and I find recipes online for the dishes I would love to try out and order. Instead of ordering these dishes, I make them myself. This will save you a lot of money, plus you can use the cooked meal to surprise your loved ones and turn it into a date night.

Find free resources

There are tons of free resources! Did you know you can listen to audiobooks or watch movies for free with your library membership? This can save you an Audible or Netflix subscription. Make sure to sign up to your local library and learn what resources they have. Most libraries also offer courses and events, both in person and online. Courses like learning how to sew, art projects, languages, how to build a resume, etc.

Organize indoor date nights/movie nights

If you loved going out, as I do, you have to learn how to get creative at home. You can save a lot of money by simply staying at home. What is it that you loved doing outside? You can bring the fun home by creating an indoor date night, like cooking a meal (see tip 1), or set up a movie night with snacks and drinks, or a family board game night. The options are endless!

The Frugal Mompreneur

Host a potluck event

If you are a social butterfly and love going out with your friends, you can invite them for a potluck. You can ask everyone to bring a snack to share and their favorite beverage. This way you don’t have to spend a lot of money and don’t have to give up your social events. You can even make it a little bit more exciting by giving it a special theme and letting your guests decide what to bring based on the theme.

Workout at home

If you have an expensive gym membership, it is time to find ways to work out at home. You can go for runs outside. Or you can check on Facebook Marketplace if anyone is getting rid of any free workout equipment. Often people are donating their ellipticals or other items. Save money, while getting fit for free. There are also tons of videos on YouTube if you loved taking those gym classes like Zumba, HITT, etc.

Declutter and organize your home

While you are getting rid of your debt, you might as well get rid of things you don’t use in your home anymore. It works freeing and it can also help you earn some money. Go through your home and see if there are any items that you haven’t used in a while. Can you sell them? Try selling them on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or eBay. Whatever you cannot sell, you can always donate to a Buy Nothing Facebook Group, Salvation Army, or Goodwill.

Go for walks and explore your neighborhood

Going for walks has so many benefits! For one, it’s a great way to get some exercise. Walking is a low-impact form of cardio that can help to improve your overall health. And, of course, it’s also a great way to explore your neighborhood and discover new places. If you walk regularly, you’ll get to know your community in a whole new way. You might even make some new friends along the way! Plus, going for walks is a great way to save money. Instead of spending money on gas or public transportation, you can Just put on your shoes and walk out the door. So next time you’re feeling cooped up or stressed out, go for a walk—you’ll be glad you did!

Learn a new skill on YouTube

If you get bored easily and are tempted to spend money, while being bored, reshift your focus and learn a new skill on YouTube. Of course, you can use other platforms, but I mentioned YouTube, because it is free, and literally ANYTHING you can think of, you will be able to find on YouTube. So whether you’ve always wanted to learn how to make certain recipes, learn how to play the guitar, or simply how to create a planner in Canva, so you can sell those and make some extra money. The options are endless, fight the distractions of wanting to spend money on frivolous purchases, and use your time wisely by learning a new skill.

Create a vision board

A vision board is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. By visually representing your goals, you can create a tangible reminder of what you want to achieve. This will help to keep you motivated and on track. By including financial goals on your board, you can create a roadmap to success to become debt free. Creating a vision board is easy. You can create one online or use an old-fashioned poster board. Start by brainstorming all of your financial goals and then find images and quotes that represent those goals. For example, if your goal is to get out of debt, you might find an inspirational quote about money or find an image of credit cards cut in half. Once you have all of your images and quotes, put them together on your vision board in a way that makes sense to you. Then, hang your vision board in a place where you’ll see it every day as a reminder of what you’re working towards.

Get a side hustle

Everyone knows that debt is a drag. Not only does it weigh you down financially, but it can also be a huge source of stress. If you’re struggling to pay off debt, you may be considering getting a side hustle to earn some extra money. And while that can certainly help, there are also some other benefits of getting a side hustle to pay off debt. For one, it can help you save money. If you’re sitting at home with nothing to do, you’re likely to end up spending money. But if you’re busy working on your side hustle, you’ll be less likely to spend money unnecessarily. Additionally, a side hustle can help keep you motivated to stay on top of your debt repayment plan. Seeing the extra money you’re bringing in each month can give you the motivation you need to stay focused and continue working towards your goal of becoming debt-free. So if you’re looking for a way to pay off debt and save money, consider getting a side hustle. It could be just what you need to get ahead financially.


You will find amazing side hustle ideas in this blog post.

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24 thoughts on “10 ways to stay entertained and motivated while paying off your debt”

  • These are really great tips to stay motivated while paying off your debt. I like a lot of your suggestions especially to get a side hustle. That’s really a great option!

  • I love my library card! I only get books through that and my husband and I also work out from home and have almost every meal from home. It definitely helps to save money that way. Also, having a budget and tracking your expenses weekly helps you see if you’re overspending anywhere.

  • These are great ways to stay entertained while paying off debt. I love the idea of working out at home as gym memberships are just so expensive. I actually let go of my membership and instead started investing in my own equipment little by little. Another idea that I love is potluck! That’s a fun way to get friends together without spending too much. Plus, it’s always nice when you don’t have to do all the cooking!

  • Paying off debt is the worst because you constantly feel on the hook for your money woes. When I was in debt I was scared to spend a penny outside of paying bills and other necessities. But it’s no way to live.

  • Great suggestions! I am currently paying off my credit card debt and it can feel overwhelming. But, I have already tried many of your tips and I’m going to implement more! I actually like cutting back and getting my home organized – it is a satisfying feeling.

  • I really loved your tips! These tips are very useful now when prices are raising high. I already try to make cafe recipes at home, plus we have a big potluck party every 3-4 months.

  • Great ideas, definitely would love to recreate my favorite recipe. Because I tried it before and it was so much fun. Thank you for these awesome recommendations!

  • Paying off debt can be a long and hard process. For some people, it may takes years thats why we need these ways to stay motivated.

  • While on your journey to debt freedom, it’s only natural to have highs and lows. These are some good ways to stay on track and stay motivated.

  • My debt is student loans and it is very daunting. There are still ways to have fun but you have to be so creative.

  • THis is so timely for us, haha! We just had our house constructed and there were unexpected expenses that came in prior to the last stretch of the buillding…so now we need to concentrate on paying off some debts before we can move forward with our lives. Can’t travel for a while ….

  • Paying off debt can be a long and frustrating process. This is all really useful advice. It can help to pay off slowly via direct debit. If you set an amount for this, find ways to reduce spending, such as making foods you like rather than ordering them it can really help.

  • Thank you for sharing these helpful tips for staying motivated while paying off debt. Your post has inspired me to continue working towards my financial goals with renewed motivation and optimism. I am to be debt free this time next year.

  • oh this is soooo good! We just purhcased a home and really need to get better about budgeting again. Might have to add some of these ideas into our next month or two! Thank you!

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